[originaltext]W: Hi, Jack! What kind of work do you want to do when you finish

游客2024-07-03  1

W: Hi, Jack! What kind of work do you want to do when you finish university?
M: I’ve always been interested in anything related to computers.
W: Oh, that’s a job that pays well. Have you sent any application letters yet?
M: Yes, I have. A few of companies have invited me for an interview.
W: Well done!
M: How about you?
W: But I haven’t decided yet.
M: Which field would you like to work in?
W: I’m always fond of designing.
M: So you may try to contact some advertising companies.
W: Good idea!

What kind of job is the man interested in?
What is the man’s suggestion to the woman for getting her job?

选项 A、A job related to computers.
B、A job related to designing.
C、A job related to marketing.
D、A job related to advertising.

答案 A

解析 信息明示题。对话一开始,女士询问男士毕业后想做什么工作,男士说他对与计算机相关的工作感兴趣,所以A)是正确答案。B)“与没汁相关的工作”是女士的爱好;C)“与市场营销相关的工作”在对话中未提及;D)“与广告相关的工作”是男士给女士的建议,这三项均可以排除。