[originaltext]M:Do you think Laura will accept the proposal?W:No way.Q:What d

游客2024-07-03  0

M:Do you think Laura will accept the proposal?
W:No way.
Q:What does the woman mean?
M:Susan, how are you? I heard you were sick?
W:They must have confused me with somebody else.I’ve never felt better.
Q:How does Susan feel?

选项 A、She feels better.
B、She feels sick.
C、She does feel well.
D、She feels fine.

答案 D

解析 本题的解题关键在于理解confused me with somebody else和I’ve never felt better。confuse意 思是“混淆;混同”;I’ve never felt better。不是“现在感觉不好”,而是“没有什么时候比现在感觉更好 了”,即现在感觉很好。男士问:“苏珊,你怎么样了?我听人家说你病了?”女士答:“肯定是别人搞错 了。我现在感觉棒极了。”答案选D