The programme ______. until the next evening.A、was hold upB、was held backC、was

游客2024-07-03  0

问题 The programme ______. until the next evening.

选项 A、was hold up
B、was held back
C、was held over
D、was held out

答案 C

解析 四项中积压个词组的含义分别是:A. 被抬起,举起;B. 被阻止,阻止;C被推期,推迟;D项中hold out其实是个不及物动词短语,意为“坚持”。例如:The matter was held over till the next meeting. 这件事一直拖延到下次会议。The was unable to hold back the crowd.警察警戒线未能阻止人群前进。We can stay here for as long as out supplies hold out. 我们的生活必需品能坚持多久,我们就能在这里呆多久。Hold you hand up if you wish the chairman to recognize you. 要是你希望会议主席准许你发言的话,你就举手。文中意思就是“这个节目被推迟到第二天晚上。”故C项为正确答案。