[originaltext]W: I hear you’ve got a new job. Do you like it? M: Sure, the sal

游客2024-07-02  2

W: I hear you’ve got a new job. Do you like it?
M: Sure, the salary is good.
Q: Why does the man like the new job?
W: I want to buy a new car, but I’m not sure what model I need.
M: Well, we have a large selection and I can show you around.
Q: What will the man do?

选项 A、Buy a car for the woman.
B、Show the woman around.
C、Offer the woman a discount.
D、Sell a used car to the woman.

答案 B

解析 细节辨认题。女士表示自己想买一辆新乍,但是不确定自己需要哪一款;男士回应说可选择的余地非常大,他可以带着女士逛一逛。由此可见,男士将要做的事是带女士逛一逛。同时可以排除A)“给女士买一辆车”、C)“给女士一个折扣”和D)“卖给女士一辆二手车”。