1. 被邀请人:史密斯夫妇邀请人:张池夫妇邀请时间:2008年6月8日内 容:好久没见到他们,十分想念。他们刚从家乡回来,因此邀请他们两位于2008

游客2024-07-01  1

问题 1. 被邀请人:史密斯夫妇
内    容:好久没见到他们,十分想念。他们刚从家乡回来,因此邀请他们两位于2008年6月8日下午6点30分来家里吃晚饭。饭后一起去听音乐会。务请光临。


答案 May 29, 2008
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith,
   How are you going?
   Haven’t seen you for a long time. I just heard that you had come back from your hometown. You know, we miss you very much. How about coming to have dinner with us at our apartment at 6:30 p.m. on June 8, 2008? We do hope you would join us. After dinner, let’s go and enjoy a concert, shall we?
    Looking forward to seeing you.
                                                                                                                              Yours sincerely,
                                                                                                                          Mr. & Mrs. Zhang Chi

解析 邀请函常用套语:
1.We are deeply impressed by your thorough knowledge and profound understanding of...
2.We would like to know if you could...
3.Is there any chance of your coming...?
4.Would be very happy if you could come...
5.I should be cheerful if you could come to...
6.I cordially invite you to join us.
7.I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to...
8.You would receive our standard honorarium to cover traveling and other expenses.
9.Please let us know as soon as possible if you can tell us when you can make the trip.
10.Please accept our warm welcome and sincere invitation.
11.I can assure you that we’ll make everything convenient to the speaker.