When you’re trying to do business, you need to consider the culture of your

游客2024-06-30  2

问题     When you’re trying to do business, you need to consider the culture of your customers and their expectations.
    Americans are usually friendly and informal, but if they are trying to sell, they can be very tenacious!
    In South America and European countries like Italy and Spain, they like to develop a personal, face-to-face relationship. Trust is very important, as is diplomacy and tact.
    Japanese and Koreans favour group approaches. And like to consider entertaining as an important part of their business "rituals". They are generally more cautious and take longer to arrive at decisions.
    However, whoever you are doing business with, there are various easily-remembered expressions you can use when selling to achieve results. [br] When you try to do business with others, you had better know


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