In 1813 military preparedness’ stopped because ______. [br] According to the pas

游客2024-06-29  1

问题 In 1813 military preparedness’ stopped because ______. [br] According to the passage which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

选项 A、August 24th, 1814 was remembered as the one of the darkest days.
B、Some top officers were not willing to be prepared against the war.
C、The city was indefensible at the time.
D、Winder was unqualified for the defense of the city.

答案 D

解析 细节判断题;文中分别谈到了A)、B)、C)三项所讲述的事实或观点,至于38岁的Winder准将,主要是谈他担任护城时任务有方方面面的麻烦困难,关于他本人的军事才能只字未提,也无处可推测 D)项所表示的观点。