[originaltext]W:Henry, what game shall we arrange for the children to play?M:W

游客2024-06-28  1

W:Henry, what game shall we arrange for the children to play?
M:Why don’t we leave, that to themselves?
Q:What does the man suggest the woman do?

选项 A、Leave the children at home.
B、Let the children make the decision themselves.
C、Arrange some games for the children.
D、Tell the children some stories.

答案 B

解析 本题的解题关键在于听懂男士的话。女士问男士应该为孩子们安排什么游戏,男士用反问句提出建议:“为什么不把这个问题留给他们自己呢?”言外之意就是让孩子们自己决定玩什么。