Women’s roles have changed throughout the world in recent years, but nowhere

游客2024-06-28  2

问题    Women’s roles have changed throughout the world in recent years, but nowhere so obviously as in America. In many American homes today, it is more and more common to find that the children are left in day-care centers or nursery schools while both parents work. The woman may earn as much or more money than her husband. At home, household duties are shared in varying degrees by all family members. It is not unusual to find father cooking dinner, cleaning the living room or charging the baby. Mother might be outside mowing the lawn or washing the car. Children have responsibilities, too. One of the goals of the Women’s Liberation Movement has been to have both men and women share in childcare, housework and financial responsibility. Today many American women will not marry a man who is not willing to participate equally in household responsibilities.
   The high cost of living has made it necessary for many women to have jobs outside the home, but women often choose to have jobs in order to use their skills and education or to seek a more fulfilling and interesting life. Many American women enjoy the independence that an outside job and the salary give them. Although women have made advances toward equality, sex discrimination (歧视) still exists. Men-employers and even some women-employers sometimes are not for women working outside the home, and in some cases, a woman might be paid less than a man who performs the same job. American women, however, have met challenges since pioneer days, and they continue to work for true equality.

选项 A、in nurseries
B、in day-care centers
C、at home
D、at school

答案 C

解析 推断题。从文章中的第二句话“But it is more and more common to find that the children are left in day-care centers or nursery schools while both parents work.”可推断出以前的孩子通常是待在家里而不是上幼儿园。