The responsibility of the police force of Public Transit is to ______. [br] Two

游客2024-06-28  3

问题 The responsibility of the police force of Public Transit is to ______. [br] Two figures are mentioned in the last paragraph to indicate ______.

选项 A、the Public Transit system’s efficiency
B、the success of Transit Police program
C、the police’s emphasis on security of downtown areas
D、the worsening security condition of the area

答案 C

解析 本题为推理题。本题询问文章最后一段提到的两个数据表明什么。根据文章最后一句话 Downtown arrests have gone from 490 in April-September 2001 to 941 during the same period in 2002.(商业区拘捕的人数已经从2001年4月至9月的490例,上升到2002年同期的941例。)我们可知这两个数据是关于商业区的,而且倒数第二段也讲的是商业区状况和警力配备,可以看出警察对商业区治安的重视。因此答案为C。