The following is a list of terms related to marketing. After reading it, you are

游客2024-06-27  2

问题 The following is a list of terms related to marketing. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to  (与……等同) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered 51 through 55.
    A—brand loyalty        J—market share
    B—brand value          K—market size
    C—buying habit         L—marketing goal
    D—buying motivation    M—marketing plan
    E—consumer survey      N—product image
    F—customer service     O—reference price
    G—distribution channel P—sales analysis
    H—market potential     Q—sales promotion
    I—market research [br] ( )产品形象 ( )客户服务


答案 N,F
