[originaltext]W: So you are on holiday, aren’t you? M: That’s right. It has bee

游客2024-06-27  2

W: So you are on holiday, aren’t you? M: That’s right. It has been so long since my last holiday.
W: So you’ve got to have fun and enjoy your holiday. When did you arrive here?
M: Last night.
W: Are you going to leave soon?
M: Yes. Actually I am going to leave for the next destination fids afternoon.
W: Where have you been until now?
M: Let me see. (6)My journey began a short stat in Britain. Then I traveled to France and Germany. I’ve also been to Austria. And now I am in Spain.
W: Really? That sounds fantastic. How long will your holiday last?
M: Two weeks. (7) Fourteen? countries in fourteen days. It’s exciting, isn’t it?

选项 A、Four.

答案 D

解析 此题难度稍大。题日中询问的是“这位先生在以后的假期里还要游历多少个国家?”要回答这一问题,首先必须知道其计划游历的国家总数,根据原文“Fourteen countries in fourteen days”可知这一数目为14,又因为这位先生已经去过5个国家(Britain,France,Germany,Austria and Spain),故正确答案应为选项D(9个)。选项D(14个)和选项C(5个)分别描述的是这位先生计划游历的国家总数和已游历国家的数目,均不合题意。选项A(4个)更与原文背离,不应选为答案