Why will the woman be out of the office all day today? Because she is______. [br

游客2024-06-25  3

问题 Why will the woman be out of the office all day today? Because she is______. [br]  
Hello, Sam.This is Ann Rivera.I’ll be out of the office all day today.I’m ill.Would you please do me some favors? First, please write a note to Mrs.Wilson and tell her I’m sick.Then, please call Mr.Smith and change the time of our appointment.Also, don’t forget to find Mr.Johnson and ask him to fix my broken desk lamp.Hmm...Let me see, I know there are a few more things.Oh, yes, please make a list of all the employees and give it to our manager.She asked me for the list last week.Oh, one more thing, pleasetake the package on my desk to the post office if you have time.And that’s all.Thanks, Sam.


答案 employees

解析 本题询问经理上个星期要了什么东西。女士在短文中让Sam做一份全体员工的名单,因为经理上个星期要了。对比题干和听力中的信息,可以确定空格处填入employees。