[originaltext]W: Hello, may I help you?M: Yes, I’d like to book a room for tom

游客2024-06-25  2

W: Hello, may I help you?
M: Yes, I’d like to book a room for tomorrow.
W: Which kind of room do you prefer, sir?
M: A double room.How much is it?
W: A standard double room is $50 per night.But we offer 20% discount this month.
M: Oh, that’s great.How about the environment?
W: It’s very comfortable, with a view of the sea.
M: OK, I’ll take it.My name is Martin.
W: OK, Mr.Martin.See you tomorrow.
M: Thank you.Bye!
8.Which kind of room does the man want to book?
9.How much is the double room?
10.How is the living environment of the room?

选项 A、Comfortable, with a view of the mountain.
B、Comfortable, with a view of the sea.
C、Very large, with free meals.
D、Very large, with a view of the mountain.

答案 B

解析 对话最后,男士问女士房间的环境怎么样,女士回答房间的居住环境非常舒适,而且可以欣赏大海。