In American Income Life Insurance Company (AIL), sales representatives have

游客2024-06-25  2

问题     In American Income Life Insurance Company (AIL), sales representatives have servants’ hearts.Our team members make every effort to protect hard-working, middle-income families with insurance coverage (承保范围).We also believe whole-heartedly in giving back to the communities in which we operate.American Income Life gives off its time and resources to help make the world a better place.
    Sales experience is not required to be a representative.Just the willingness to work hard.What makes American Income Life unique is that our work system enables our sales team to focus on selling, which is what makes this career truly opportunity unlimited.Simply said, you earn what you’re worth based on how hard you work and how fast you want to advance.
    At American Income Life you will find a career, not a job.You will also find free training opportunities, and leadership experience, too.American Income Life’s independent agency offices provide sales training focused on insurance sales.Training includes working one-on-one with experienced sales agents both in the classroom and in the field.
            Sales Representatives of AIL
Aims:1) to protect middle-income families
     2) to give back to【R1】______
Features:1) having servants’hearts
       2)willingness to【R2】______
       3)being able to focus on【R3】______
Benefits:1)【R4】______sales training opportunities
         2)【R5】______ experience [br] 【R3】


答案 selling

解析 由关键词focus on定位到原文第二段第三句。定位句较长,其中What引导主语从句,which引导的定语从句修饰前面整个句子。该句指出,美国收入生活保险公司的独特之处在于公司的工作体系能使销售团队集中精力进行销售,正是这一点使该职业机会无限。题干已经给出了focus on“集中精力”这条信息,因此可以确定本题答案为selling。