Which kind of job should you choose? You should choose a job that you______. [or

游客2024-06-24  1

问题 Which kind of job should you choose? You should choose a job that you______.
When considering a career change, there’re lots of factors to consider.(16)First of all, you should choose a job that you’re interested in.(17)If you don’t like your job, you won’t do it well and it may result in another career change finally. So personal interest is very important.(18)Another important aspect is further study or training. Further study or training can make us keep up with the latest technology and improve our skills so that we can do the work more easily and quickly.(19)What’s more, the opportunity for future promotion is also necessary.(20)Everyone wants to get promoted, because it means higher salary and higher position. And more opportunities encourage the staff to work harder to compete with each other.


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解析 本题询问的是你应该选择哪一种工作。短文开头提到,当考虑职业转变的时候,有许多因素要考虑,接着又讲到首先你应该选择一份你感兴趣的工作。对比题干和录音中的信息,可以确定答案为are interested in。