[originaltext]M: Are you ready to order now?W: Yes. I’ll have some salad, roas

游客2024-06-24  1

M: Are you ready to order now?
W: Yes. I’ll have some salad, roast beef, and mashed potatoes.
Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
M: Hello, I’d like to see some brochures. I’m thinking of taking a trip.
W: Here are some. Where would you like to go?
Q: Where does the woman work?

选项 A、In a travel agency.
B、In a bank.
C、In a hotel.
D、In a shop.

答案 A

解析 男士说想看一下宣传册,他正在考虑出去旅游,女士回答说这里有,并询问男士想要去哪里。由此可见,女士是在旅行社工作。brochure意为“宣传册”。