[originaltext]W: I’d like a white dress please, one without collar and belt. M

游客2024-06-24  2

W: I’d like a white dress please, one without collar and belt.
M: This one might suit you, Madam. Try it on please.
Q: What sort of dress does the woman want?
W: Where have you been all this time? The plane is about to take off.
M: I am so sorry, but I thought you were at the information desk.
Q: Where did the man think he could find the woman?

选项 A、At the airport.
B、At the information desk.
C、At the platform.
D、In the plane.

答案 B

解析 女士先是抱怨地询问男士这么长时间他去哪儿了,接着点明抱怨的原因:飞机马上要起飞了;男士道了歉,并说他以为女士在服务台。由此可知,男士原以为他可以在服务台找到女士。