[originaltext]W: I’d like a white dress please, one without collar and belt. M

游客2024-06-24  2

W: I’d like a white dress please, one without collar and belt.
M: This one might suit you, Madam. Try it on please.
Q: What sort of dress does the woman want?
W: Why do you give me a speeding ticket? I was only going at the speed of 40.
M: Can’t you read? That was 10 miles per hour over the limit.
Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

选项 A、Wife and husband.
B、Teacher and student.
C、Employer and employee.
D、Policeman and driver.

答案 D

解析 女士问男士为什么要给她开超速罚单,她的时速只有40英里;男士回答这已经比限定时速快10英里了。speeding ticket意为“超速罚单”;miles per hour意为“每小时英里数”。很明显,两人是交警和司机的关系。