[originaltext]W: I’d like a white dress please, one without collar and belt. M

游客2024-06-24  4

W: I’d like a white dress please, one without collar and belt.
M: This one might suit you, Madam. Try it on please.
Q: What sort of dress does the woman want?
M: Hello, Mary. How are things going?
W: Everything goes well. The meeting will be held in London at 9: 00 on the 18th. We still have six days.
Q: When does this dialogue most probably take place?

选项 A、On the 8th.
B、On the 10th.
C、On the 11th.
D、On the 12th.

答案 D

解析 男士问女士事情进展如何,女士说一切顺利,会议将于18号9点在伦敦举行,他们还有6天的时间。由此推断,对话应该发生在12号。