[originaltext]W: Hello, Customers Service. What can I do for you? M: I called

游客2024-06-22  3

W: Hello, Customers Service. What can I do for you?
M: I called to complain about the delivery of my order last week, but I haven’t got any reply yet.
Q: What did the man complain about last week?
M: I am a bit worried about tomorrow’s interview.
W: Don’t be upset. You are always very good!
Q: What is the man worried about?

选项 A、Giving a lecture.
B、Taking an interview.
C、Preparing a party.
D、Having an exam.

答案 B

解析 事实细节题。本题询问男士担心什么。男士一开头就说他“担心明天的面试”,只要抓住关键词interview即可发现B项Taking an interview.(要去面试)为本题答案。