[originaltext]W: So what do you do in the company, Mr.Green? M: I’m in charge

游客2024-06-22  4

W: So what do you do in the company, Mr.Green?
M: I’m in charge of the company’s financial affairs department.
Q: What department is Mr.Green in charge of in the company?
M: Do you think we should ask Mr.Jew to do this job?
W: Sure.He is the best person for the job.
Q: What does the woman say about Mr.Jew?

选项 A、He is suitable for the job.
B、He is good at programming.
C、He is nice and kind.
D、He finds the job difficult.

答案 A

解析 对话中,男士询问女士他们是否请Jew先生做这份工作,女士说Jew先生是这份工作最好的人选,所以确定A)“他适合做这份工作"为本题的答案。B)“他擅长编程序”、C)“他很友好善良”和D)“他发现这份工作很难做”均与对话内容不符,因此可以排除。