[originaltext]W: What’s your present job, please? M: I am a salesman. I work w

游客2024-06-23  2

W: What’s your present job, please?
M: I am a salesman. I work with a trade company.
Q: What is the man’s job?
W: Are you ready to order, sir?
M: Well, a sandwich, some fruit salad, and a cup of coffee.
Q: Where are the two speakers?

选项 A、In an office.
B、In a restaurant.
C、In a department store.
D、In a library.

答案 B

解析 从女士的问话“先生,可以点餐(order)了吗?”和男士所列举的食物(三明治、一些水果沙拉和一杯咖啡)可以推断这个对话应发生在餐厅,故选B项。