Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to the company.My name is Peter Johnson.I’m th

游客2024-06-22  2

问题 Ladies and Gentlemen,
    Welcome to the company.My name is Peter Johnson.I’m the Production Manager.I’ll【B1】______ today.
    It should take about 20 minutes to see the factory, and another 10 minutes to take a look at the【B2】______ Altogether our tour should last about half an hour.During the tour, please feel free to ask questions.I’ll be happy to answer them.
    Now please wear these protective hard hats and safety glasses because we must【B3】______your safety and we want to ensure there’re no injuries.I must also tell you that smoking is not【B4】______ during the tour.
    Well, if you don’t have any questions, shall we【B5】______? First, I’ll take you to the factory.This way, please. [br] 【B5】


答案 get started

解析 讲话者在短文最后提到他将先带大家转转工厂,由此推测,空格处所填入的单词应具有“开始”之义。另,由空格前的shall we可知,空格处应填入动词原形或动词词组。结合录音填入get started,意为“开始”。