In what case do you need to write a leave letter?When you need to be absent fro

游客2024-06-19  3

问题 In what case do you need to write a leave letter?
When you need to be absent from your work for_______________.
Some of you have asked me why we need to write a leave letter, Well, sometimes you may need be absent from your work for several days. In that case, it is especially important for you to write a leave letter. It is also important to write it as early as possible so that your employer can be prepared for your leave. You should be as specific as you can about the dates. When are you going to be absent from work and for how many days? Another point is you should be honest with your boss about why you need time off. It’ s a good idea for you to discuss how your work would be taken care of when you’re absent. In your letter, you may include details about how you think your work will be taken care of.


答案 several days

解析 题干问在什么情况下,你需要写请假条。根据原文“sometimes you may need be absent from your work for several days. In that case,it is especially important for you to write a leave letter.可知,当你需要离开工作几天的时候,你需要写请假条。所以此处应填several days。