Working from home comes with some additional benefits. You enjoy a better wo

游客2024-06-19  5

问题     Working from home comes with some additional benefits. You enjoy a better work-life balance, don’t have to commute to the office and get to work in casual clothes if you want. Designing your home office space can produce a positive effect, too—if you’re not stuck in a crowded room all day. Here are two ideas to help you design the ultimate home office.
    Choose your color. While some people like bright colors, you might not want to see yellow or green every day. Paint your office walls in a neutral (淡雅的) color to give your eyes a break. You should also avoid darker colors, which tend to make small spaces feel even smaller.
    This doesn’t mean your home office needs to be completely neutral. Add something like a framed art.
    Play with natural light. You might push your desk into a dark corner, creating an office cubicle (隔间). Working in a small space can make your home office feel much more oppressive than it needs to be.
    Instead, look for areas where natural light flows in your home. Move your desk close to windows while keeping it parallel to them to reduce glare (刺眼的光). You can also add curtains to help you manage the amount of light that enters your workspace each day, particularly around lunch time. [br] The writer believes that designing one’s home office space can________.

选项 A、increase the room size
B、create a positive effect
C、make it look professional
D、attract more customers

答案 B

解析 细节辨认题。由题干中的designing one’s home office space定位到第一段第三句。定位句指出,如果不想挤在狭小的空间里,设计家庭办公室空间能产生积极的作用。选项B)create a positive effect与定位句中的produce a positive effect意思一致,由此可以确定B)“产生积极的效果”为本题的答案。原文中未提及A)“加大房间空间”、C)“让其看起来专业”和D)“吸引更多的顾客”,因此均可以排除。