[originaltext] W: How did you get to know about this opening? M: One of

游客2024-06-19  3

W: How did you get to know about this opening?
    M: One of my friends told me that you were looking for an experienced programmer.
    Q: Where does the man learn about the opening?

选项 A、From a friend.
B、From a newspaper.
C、From a website.
D、From a TV program.

答案 A

解析 信息明示题。女士询问男士如何获知该岗位空缺的消息,男士回答说是他的一位朋友告诉他女士单位正在寻找一位有经验的程序员。由此可知男士是从朋友那获得的消息,由此可确定A)“从朋友那里”为本题的答案。B)“从报纸上”、C)“从网上”和D)“从电视节目上”均与对话内容不符,可以排除。