[originaltext] W: Why do you plan to fire John? He is smart. M: I know.

游客2024-06-19  3

W: Why do you plan to fire John? He is smart.
    M: I know. But he has problems getting along with other colleagues.
    Q: Why does the man plan to fire John?

选项 A、He is not smart.
B、He doesn’t get along with others.
C、He treats others like a fool.
D、He’s not responsible for his work.

答案 B

解析 题目问的是为什么男士打算辞退约翰。女士问男士为什么打算开除约翰,约翰很聪明,男士说他知道,但他无法与其他同事相处。由此可见,男士打算开除约翰是因为他无法与同事相处。故选B。