The cost of heating your home, particularly during the colder winter months,

游客2024-06-18  1

问题     The cost of heating your home, particularly during the colder winter months, makes up about 60% of energy bills. If you need a new boiler (锅炉), make sure you buy one of the best boiler brands.
    The first question you should ask yourself if you want the most energy efficient boiler is what type of boiler you should buy. All modern boilers that you can buy are condensing (冷凝式) boilers, which are much more efficient than traditional non-condensing boilers. According to a study, you could save as much as £ 340 a year on your gas bill if you’re trading in an old-style non-condensing boiler for a new condensing one.
    Getting the wrong type of boiler for your home results in unnecessarily high bills. Learn more about the different types of boiler and which would suit you best in our full guide to the different types of boiler.
    Once you’ve decided on the type of boiler you need, the next key question is the size. The size of the boiler in the context of efficiency is its heat output. The higher the heat output of the boiler, the more energy it will be using when it’s switched on. In most cases, larger homes with more radiators (散热器) and more bathrooms will need a larger heat output than smaller ones. Learn everything you need to know about picking the right size boiler for your home in our free guide on how to buy the best boiler. [br] The heat output of a boiler affects________.

选项 A、installation and maintenance                             
B、energy consumption
D、life cycle

答案  B

解析 细节推断题。由题干中的heat output定位到第四段第二、三句。定位句指出,锅炉的大小影响其热功率,锅炉的热功率越高,使用的能量就越多。由此推断锅炉的热功率影响能量消耗,故B)“能量消耗”为本题的答案。原文中未提及A)“安装和保养”、C)“运行”和D)“使用周期”,因此均可以排除。