What should you do if you discover you’re being scammed (诈骗)? The first thin

游客2024-06-18  3

问题     What should you do if you discover you’re being scammed (诈骗)? The first thing is to stop all contact with the scammer (诈骗者). It’s important to be suspicious because scammers have ways of making their offers seem real.
    Beware of the false sense of reassurance (保证) that can come from tricks like these:
    Scammers can convincingly imitate the logos and communication style of trusted companies. They are known to make fake websites to fool people into giving money or information.
    Scams can come from within New Zealand. International scammers also use fake location data to appear as if they were in your city or country. An opportunity isn’t necessarily safe just because someone uses a local telephone number or contact address.
    Scammers can learn private details through computer hacking or by taking email from your email address. They use this information to build your trust. If someone offering an opportunity knows a lot about you, it doesn’t mean the opportunity is real.
    Scammers play on people’s emotions and are experienced at building trust to eventually exploit the relationship. When you develop a relationship with someone over time, it can be harmful to think their interest in you may not be sincere. But if someone you met online eventually asks you to send or receive money, stop and think.
    If you have noticed or been caught in a scam, report it to Netsafe. [br] To make a call seem local, international scammers may________.

选项 A、speak to you in your own language                    
B、buy a cell phone from a local store
C、ask their friends to make the call
D、use a fake local phone number

答案 D

解析 细节推断题。由题干中的call、local、international scammers定位到第四段第二、三句。定位句指出,国际骗子还会使用虚假的位置数据,让自己看起来好像在你所在的城市或国家。仅仅因为对方使用当地电话号码或联系地址就相信他是不安全的。由此可推断国际骗子可能会利用虚假的电话号码使其看起来像本地来电,故D)“使用虚假的当地电话号码”为本题的答案。原文中未提及A)“用你的语言和你交谈”、B)“从当地商店买部手机”和C)“让他们的朋友打电话”,因此均可以排除。