What is John Ingham’ s report about? [br] The most significant breakthrough pred

游客2024-06-18  3

问题 What is John Ingham’ s report about? [br] The most significant breakthrough predicted by Bill Joy will be an inexhaustible green energy source that can’t be used to make


答案 weapons

解析 由题干中的Bill Joy,the most significant breakthrough和inexhaustible green energy定位到原文第七个小标题下第二段第一句...such a source would be safe in that it could not be made into weapons and would not make hazardous or toxic waste Or carbon dioxide,...题干中考查这种energy source的特点,结合原文可以得出三个形容词:inexhaustible,safe和green,其中inexhaustible和green这两点都出现在了题干中,所以题干中的定语从句要表述的内容是另一特点safe。另外,题干中的 can’t be used to make是对原文中的can not be made into的同义转述,由此可以得出答案为weapons。