[audioFiles]audio_eusz200812_001(20091)[/audioFiles]A、The man did not believe w

游客2024-06-18  5


选项 A、The man did not believe what the woman said.
B、The man accompanied the woman to the hospital.
C、The woman may be suffering from repetitive strain injury.
D、The woman may not have followed the doctor’s instructions.

答案 D

解析 W: You see, I still have this pain in my back, this medicine the doctor gave me was supposed to make me feel better by now.
M: Maybe you should have taken it three times a day as you were told.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
本题为推理题。女士抱怨医生开的药无法缓解背部疼痛,男士回答说“Maybe you should have taken it three times a day as you were told.”(你应该遵照医嘱每天服用三次)。言外之意是女士没有遵照医嘱服药。所以D项是正确答案。