Many experts who favor genetically modified foods believe that genetic engineeri

游客2024-06-18  4

问题 Many experts who favor genetically modified foods believe that genetic engineering can help to meet the demands of the world’s increasing population. [br] Some European countries are restricting the planting and importation of GM agricultural products because GM crops could pose unique risks to the environment and to health.

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解析 本文的第二段谈到反对转基因食品的人的观点“Skeptics contend that GM crops could pose unique risks to the environment and to health-risks too troubling to accept placidly”,由此的后果是"Taking that view,many European countries are resting the Planting and importation of GM agricultural products."由"taking that view "这一分词结构,可以得知一些欧洲国家限制基因改造作物的种植与输入是因为基因改造作物对生态环境或人体健康都有极大的风险。