By saying "the woman said she found my face a challenge"(Para 1), the author sug

游客2024-06-18  3

问题 By saying "the woman said she found my face a challenge"(Para 1), the author suggests that her face is ______. [br] According to the author, what was the main reason for the failure of her first dance?


答案 She Was not fashionable./She wore sticking-plaster on her ears instead of diamante ear-rings.

解析 推断题。文章最后一段第3句说到:当时戴人造钻石耳环是一种时尚,而“我”耳朵上却贴了药膏;且第4句作者自己推断正是因此才没有人愿意跟她跳舞,因此可知原因是“我”显得很不时尚。