By saying "it might as well begin with the words ’Once upon a time’"(Para. 1), t

游客2024-06-18  3

问题 By saying "it might as well begin with the words ’Once upon a time’"(Para. 1), the author suggests that the American myth is______. [br] According to the author, how would an American family with a car and a house in the suburbs probably feel about themselves today?


答案 Poor.

解析 由题干中的an American family with a car and a house in the suburbs定位到文章末段。通览全段可知,作者通过对比40年前美国中产阶级的感受与现在的中产阶级的感受,说明穷人的生活压力更大了。此段第2句正回答了题目中的问题。