For centuries the gypsies have lived as a unfettered people who traveled

游客2024-06-17  4

问题     For centuries the gypsies have lived as a unfettered people who traveled            S1. ______
through half the countries of the world, abiding to their own laws. Scorning            S2. ______
discomfort, enduring persecution, accumulating only meager possession,                  S3. ______
they sacrificed all for their freedom. To be settled people they seemed both
fascinating or fearful,                                                                 S4. ______
while to the gypsies the settling people were equally fearful.                          S5. ______
    Gypsies acquired in ancient times their traditional occupations like                S6. ______
smiths and horse traders. They plied their crafts from village to village,
presenting entertainments to attract townsmen. So they became musicians,
magicians, animal trainer, and acrobats.
    A folk saying held that when a gypsy woman predicted misfortune it always
came fact because she stole something from the victim. The gypsies                      S7. ______
were known also for the big trick which they deceived the credulous. A typical          S8. ______
trick was to convince a peasant to bury his money, promising that it                    S9. ______
would be multiplied by magic powers; when the peasant returned to dig
them up, the money and the gypsies were both gone. The term "gypsy"                     S10. ______
soon became synonymous with all the robbers and brigands who infested the countryside.


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