What is the main subject of this passage? [br] How do you think the author feels

游客2024-06-17  1

问题 What is the main subject of this passage? [br] How do you think the author feels about these long-lived people?

选项 A、He is impressed with them.
B、He doesn’t care.
C、He doesn’t like them.
D、He cares little about them.

答案 A

解析 本题是一道逻辑分析推理题。作者的感受并未直接表述出来,但是如果B项他对此不关心,或C项他不喜欢他们,或D项他很少关心他们的说法是正确的话,作者就不可能花时间研究他们,并将此写成文章予以报道。因此通过推论,本题的最佳答案只应该是A项“他对他们印象深刻”而非其它。