Which of the following best states the main idea of the passage? [br] The passag

游客2024-06-17  5

问题 Which of the following best states the main idea of the passage? [br] The passage implies that ______.

选项 A、the fever process is widespread because moderate fevers have benefits
B、the reduction of fevers can inhibit bacterial growth
C、man can use sun lamp to raise lizards’ temperature
D、crayfish injected with bacteria have a purpose for moving to hot areas

答案 D

解析 本题是道分析推理题。本题所提供的四个选项均与文章内容相符,但在题目中有一关键词imply(暗示),这就要求所选答案不仅正确,而且在文章中并未直接表述,通过推理又不难得出。文章第二段中介绍:Crayfish injected with bacteria...swam and scuttled to hot are- as.(注入细菌的小龙虾急忙游向炎热的区域。)由此不难推出D项中所说注入细菌的小龙虾具有向炎热区域移动的意图的结论是正确的,因此本题最佳答案应为D项。