[originaltext] Professor Wang is a physics teacher in Beijing. Once she was

游客2024-06-17  3

Professor Wang is a physics teacher in Beijing. Once she was explaining to one of her classes about sound. She decided to test the students to see how well they had understood her. "I have an uncle in Xinjiang." she said. "Suppose I was calling him on the phone from here, and at the same time you were 25 metres away, listening to me. Who would hear me first, my uncle or you? And for what reason?" Ma Hue at once answered, "Your uncle, Professor Wang, because sound- waves travel slower than electricity."
    "Good," said the professor, but then another boy raised his hand.
    "Yes, Li Ming?" said Professor Wang.
    "Of course your uncle would hear you first," Li Ming said, "but that’s because of the time difference. When it’s nine o’clock here, it’s seven o’clock in Xinjiang."

选项 A、By asking some students to explain the reason.
B、By giving them a test on the speed of sound.
C、By using a vivid question to check them.
D、By asking the students to restate his words.

答案 C

解析 What did Professor Wang do to check whether the students understood her or not?