What’s the main point of this passage? [br] In order to stay safe on Internet, y

游客2023-09-15  11

问题 What’s the main point of this passage? [br] In order to stay safe on Internet, you should ______.

选项 A、conceal your real name, age, occupation and personal income
B、not provide your personal address or phone number clearly
C、change your personal information as much as possible
D、not reveal your hobby, interest, and your photos

答案 B

解析 由题干stay safe可定位于第四段首句。Although...it’s very important that you remember to stay safe on the Internet.细节题。由题干可定位于第四段首句,但细读下来可知本段并没有涉及到实际措施。在接下来的第五段首句The obvious information not to publicly reveal is your actual address and phone number. 才详细地列举了措施。故B)正确。A)指出的信息“如个人职业、收入”具有迷惑性,但是文章并未指出需要隐藏真实姓名,因此可排除。