Why did officials appear more worried about the terror alert this time? [br] Wha

游客2024-06-17  3

问题 Why did officials appear more worried about the terror alert this time? [br] What can we infer from Para. 4?

选项 A、Americans were much concerned about and well prepared for the possible threat.
B、Nuclear plants were the most important places that need protection.
C、Washington, DC would be perfectly safe under the protection of surface-to-air missiles.
D、These protective methods will make Americans less worried about the possible treat.

答案 A

解析 推断题。第4段主要介绍了针对可能发生的恐怖袭击美国所采取的一些安全防卫措施。他们加强了核工厂、港湾和其他可能遭受袭击的目标的安全防卫。在华盛顿地区部署了地对空导弹。根据这些可以推断出美国人对可能发生的恐怖袭击很担忧而且做了充分的准备。