Why did officials appear more worried about the terror alert this time? [br] Whi

游客2024-06-17  2

问题 Why did officials appear more worried about the terror alert this time? [br] Which of the following is true according to Para. 2?

选项 A、It is said that only big states and cities will be in danger this time.
B、Americans have not talked too much about the possible threats.
C、It is said that Los Angeles is particularly in danger this time.
D、The aim of terrorism is to make Americans feel unsafe wherever they are.

答案 D

解析 语义题。根据本文第2段末句可知恐怖行动的目的可能是让各地的美国人都没有安全感。根据本段第3句可知据说被袭击的目标包括大城市,拉斯维加斯就特别令人担忧,但是比较偏僻的小地方也被谈论,例如阿拉斯加农村地区的两个小镇。也就是说,不仅大城市有被恐怖袭击的危险,小地方也有可能,故可排除A;根据本段首句可知权威部门注意到人们的议论明显上升,也就是说美国人在谈论可能发生的危险,故可排除B;文中未提及洛杉矶这次特别危险,而是说拉斯维加斯特别危险,故可排除C。