Although the climb up the corporate ladder seemsto be going slowly for wom

游客2024-06-17  3

问题      Although the climb up the corporate ladder seems
to be going slowly for woman, corporate America would
benefit from having more women in senior management
positions. Not only did woman represent a large                          S1.______
untapped(未开发的) pool of talent, they also bring
an alternate perspective to management teams. In addition,               S2.______
women account with about 80 percent of U.S. consumer                     S3.______
spending, making their input at the executive level unvaluable.          S4.______
Industry experts have pinpointed several stumbling
block to women’s progress up to the corporate ladder. Among              S5.______
these barriers are the stereotypes and preconceived notions
of women what some men in managerial positions still                     S6.______
bring to the recruiting process. In addition, because women
are often included from the informal network outside the                 S7.______
office—for example, by not giving seasons tickets to sporting           S8.______
events and by not being invited to play golf, they miss out
on the opportunity to build relationships. Other impediments
include difficulties in balancing between career and family,             S9.______
lack of general management experience, reluctant to travel               S10.______
or to relocate, and inhospitable corporate cultures that drive
women away before they are ready for executive positions.


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