No direct relationship has been proven between high cholesterol levels and heart

游客2024-06-16  2

问题 No direct relationship has been proven between high cholesterol levels and heart attacks. [br] Compared with the number of American people who had their blood cholesterol levels checked in 1990 was ______ than that of in 1983.


答案 much larger/larger/much greater/greater

解析 根据题干中的年份锁定文章倒数第二段。本段列举了1983和1990年知道cholesterol levels的人数,即In 1983,only 35 percent of the American public knew their cholesterol levels.By 1990,65 percent of the people had had theirs checked。由此不难看出,1990年的人数比1983年多很多,因此填入much larger/larger/much greater/greater都可以。