Why have some parents of schoolchildren brought the city Department of Education

游客2024-06-16  3

问题 Why have some parents of schoolchildren brought the city Department of Education and the Mayor to court? [br] Mr. Trump thinks that during an emergency, the schoolchildren should follow the instructions______.


答案 to keep them safe

解析 由题干关键词Trump和during an emergency定位至第四段第一句。The last thing you need in an emergency is a 14-year-old child trying to narrate what they believe is going on,instead of being quiet and listening to the direction of the adults who are trained to keep them safe。在处于紧急状况时,一个14岁的孩子最不应该做的就是打电话向家长报告他们认为正在发生什么事,而是保持镇定,听从接受过训练、能保证他们安全的人员的指挥。