According to the passage, if a driver falls asleep in one of the test cars, ____

游客2024-06-16  2

问题 According to the passage, if a driver falls asleep in one of the test cars, ______. [br] According to the passage, road accidents in Europe are mainly caused by ______.

选项 A、drivers falling asleep at the wheel
B、long-distance lorry driving
C、cars without a safety system
D、drivers’ sudden changes in steering

答案 B

解析 第3段末句指出公路事故的主要肇事者是长途货车,故而正确答案选B。第2段首句表明司机打瞌睡造成的车祸占致命事故的30%,至于司机打瞌睡是否是造成公路车祸的主要原因,在原文并未提及,因此选项A不正确;选项C中的safety system在倒数第2段提到,选项D在末段末句提到,但都与问题“造成公路车祸的主要原因”无关。