The Renaissance ______. [br] The commerce ______.A、was an important element in b

游客2024-06-16  3

问题 The Renaissance ______. [br] The commerce ______.

选项 A、was an important element in building the Renaissance culture
B、kept the people in cities alive with food and clothes
C、brought about the exchange of ideas
D、was always prosperous between city states

答案 C

解析 细节题。从题目所给的四个选项中可以看出,这一题的重点在于"commerce"的重要性。文章第一段的后半部分和第二段都讲到了商业的重要作用。通过对比,我们可以知道,C选项正确,A,B,D三个选项都不符合原文的意思。