In the past, many doctors managed to fool patients by taking advantage of ______

游客2024-06-15  4

问题 In the past, many doctors managed to fool patients by taking advantage of ______. [br] As a popular medical treatment in the past, bloodletting usually caused death instead of ______.


答案 curing the sicknesses

解析 由题干中的popular medical treatment,bloodletting和death定位到文章倒数第2段第2、3句In the name of medicine, cure their sicknesses. Death,more often than not,was the outcome....此处需要填入动名词成分,作instead of的宾语。题目中的instead of表示应填写与cause death意义相反的动词短语,从文中不难发现放血是为了治病,而结果往往是死亡,因此应填入curing the sicknesses。