Sports, in short, are a kind of education, which can teach important life skills

游客2024-06-15  3

问题 Sports, in short, are a kind of education, which can teach important life skills that can’t be learned in school. [br] In the eyes of an adult, sports in high school are actually, ______ rather than simple extensions of the classroom.


答案 important social institutions

解析 文章里提到"High school basketball or football teams are places where the ethos of competition is given still stronger emphasis,高中的篮球队与橄榄球队仍然是进一步强调竞争精神的地方",然后借用教练的口,说出"consider themselves educators, the sports they oversee are not simple extensions of the classroom. They are important social institutions, for football games bring people together."虽然高中的教练们仍然祝自己为教育者,但并不把体育看作课堂的简单延伸,体育是重要的社会大课堂,因为橄榄球比赛把人们带到了一起。