At the very beginning, Sam Walton believed that he would earn much money even if

游客2024-06-15  7

问题 At the very beginning, Sam Walton believed that he would earn much money even if he sold products at lower prices than his opponents. [br] By using bar codes developed By Wal-Mart, manufactures enjoyed more says over retailers.

选项 A、Y

答案 B

解析 第2个小标题Wal-Mart Strategy部分的第1段第3句:The bar allowed retailers to generate all kinds of information—creating a subtle shift of power from manufacturers to retailers.根据原文,使用条形码让零售商拥有了各种信息,也就造成了权力(话语权)从生产商到零售商的微妙转移, a subtle shift of power表明现在零售商有更多的权力,而题目却说生产商拥有更多话语权,故答案为N。